Blue Coast Landscaping is a Miami based company that primarily services the tri-county area of South Florida. We have established ourselves as leaders in the quality, service, design and value for over 10 years. You deserve beautiful landscaping and we help you make that dream come true.

Environmental Concerns:
Blue Coast Landscaping is genuinely concerned about the going-concern of the landscaping implications on the land we treasure in South Florida. All pesticides and herbicides used by Blue Coast are organic products that are proven as both safe for plant life and any insects that may provide sustainability to the plant itself. Blue Coast, also strongly recommends that the removal of any plant life due to ascetics be replaced by a measurable replacement in order to maintain a sustainable environment.
Future Plans:
Blue Coast Landscaping holds to a higher stands of future development than most companies. We expect to maintain and sustain a future growth of 10% per year, of which does not implicate any current relationships with customers. We are constantly negotiating rates with our current vendors to ensure the very best prices of landscaping without diminishing product value.
Blue Coast Landscaping, Inc. greatly values all of their clients and holds their standards to the highest quality in the landscaping industry.